Aruma Carers Mindfulness and Wellbeing Programme

Fully funded, online mindfulness program for carers in Victoria brought to you by Aruma

Are you an unpaid carer and are you eligible?

A carer is someone who provides unpaid care and support to family members and/or friends with a disability, mental illness, chronic health issue or an older person with care needs.

They are parents, children, partners, other relatives and friends who assist with a variety of personal care, health care, transport, administrative support, cognitive emotional tasks, household chores and other activities.

If you are are performing any of these functions, then you are a carer. If you are based in Victoria, you can attend all Mindfulness and Wellbeing programmes for free and we’d love to give back to you! We’ve teamed up with Aruma, one of Australia’s leading disability providers, to offer free Mindfulness and Wellbeing programmes. If you are based in Victoria, make sure you sign up today!

Self-care and support for our own well-being is vital in our role as carers. Aruma is delighted to offer all unpaid Carers in Victoria free mindfulness and meditation wellbeing programmes.

All sessions are online and live, facilitated by Australia’s leading mindfulness and meditation experts from Mindfulness Works Australia. 

Mindfulness and meditation reduce the amount of anxiety and depression we experience.

Mindfulness helps us realise we are perfectly OK just as we are, right here and right now.

Mindfulness puts ‘gas in our tank’ by increasing our emotional and mental resilience.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is an evidence-based practice focussing your awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting your feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. Mindfulness has numerous benefits, including reducing stress and improving mental and physical well-being.

What Are The Benefits of Attending These Courses and Sessions?

✅ Reduced stress, anxiety and worry

With practice and over time, mindfulness meditation can reduce the amount of stress and anxiety we experience.

✅ Better sleep

Experience better sleep with mindfulness meditation. The more relaxed we become, the easier it is to sleep.

✅ Greater self-acceptance and self-love

Mindfulness helps us realise we are perfectly OK just as we are, right here and right now.

✅ Healthier relationships through reduced reactivity

Rather than getting lost in a ‘fight or flight’ response when we feel annoyed, angry or threatened in our relationships, we have the tools to respond, rather than react.

✅ Greater feelings of joy and freedom

Mindfulness and meditation allows us to experience natural feelings of joy, calm and freedom.

✅ Increased self-awareness and emotional intelligence

Develop the wisdom and emotional intelligence to navigate life’s challenges in an easier, simpler and more rewarding way.

Courses and Sessions

Foundations of Mindfulness Four Week Course

Learn evidence-based mindfulness practices to reduce anxiety, stress, and depression. Apply mindfulness strategies to experience increased self-acceptance and improved sleep.

This 4-week course has been designed specifically for beginners by Mindfulness Works and is based on Australia’s #1 in-person mindfulness and medication course.

• Understand the power of mindfulness and experience its many benefits
• Break free from negative thought patterns and self-criticism
• Regulate your nervous system and navigate challenging emotions with more ease
• Cultivate self-acceptance and self-compassion for improved life quality

Guided by highly experienced, locally based Australian mindfulness experts, you’ll participate in engaging live online sessions that will equip you with practical mindfulness practices you can use throughout your life.

Foundations of Mindfulness 4 Week Course Schedules and Options

Foundations of Mindfulness Course Option: 1

Starts Wednesday 17th May: 7.00PM – 8.00PM. Every Wednesday for 4 Weeks.

Foundations of Mindfulness Course: Option 2

Starts Sun 21 May: 5.00PM – 6.00PM. Every Sunday for 4 Weeks.

Foundations of Mindfulness Course: Option 3

Starts Tuesday 23rd May: 10.30AM – 11.30AM. Every Tuesday for 4 Weeks.

Enrol in Foundations of Mindfulness Course Now

Free For Carers in Victoria

Mindfulness and Wellbeing Drop-In Sessions

As a carer, we understand that you face unique challenges in your day-to-day life. To help support you, we are excited to invite you to our 11-week Mindfulness and Wellbeing Drop-In Sessions, tailored specifically for carers like you.

You will learn:
• Simple, practical strategies to navigate life’s common obstacles with greater ease
• Tools to harness the power of mindfulness for enhanced wellbeing amid today’s fast-paced world
• Strategies for self-care and stress management to prevent burnout and maintain emotional balance

Guided by leading Australian leading mindfulness experts, discover techniques and practices to increase your wellbeing now.

Mindfulness and Wellbeing Drop-In Session Topics

Taking Stress Off Your Plate – Mindful Eating. Facilitated by Nat Mallia

Option 1: Sunday 4th June: 4.00PM – 4.45PM AEST
Option 2: Mon 5th June: 2.30PM – 3.15PM AEST

Feel empowered to reduce your own stress and emotional eating with two simple techniques that you can do on the go to ensure you are feeling calm, centred, and focused so you can take stress off your plate.

Embracing Self-Compassion. Facilitated by Nat Mallia

Option 1: Sun 11th June: 4.00PM – 4.45PM AEST

You might be feeling overworked, overwhelmed, and unable to switch off. This can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety. Learn mindfulness tools to embody a balanced lifestyle.

Mindfulness for Anxiety Reduction. Facilitated by Lucy Schwabe

Option 1: Mon 12th June: 2.30PM – 3.15PM AEST

Mindfulness practice teaches us how to respond to what we experience with awareness of what is happening in the present moment. In this session you will be guided through a meditation specifically for anxiety reduction.

Financial Wellbeing. Facilitated by Gavin Eichholz

Option 1: Sunday 18th June: 4.00PM – 4.45PM AEST
Option 2: Mon 19th June: 2.30PM – 3.15PM AEST

Use mindfulness to  understand this psychological process and to foster a healthy relationship towards money and finances. Make financial and life decisions from a basis of reality rather than from fear, leading to wiser, more accurate and better decisions.

Mindfulness & Meditation Q & A. Facilitated by Paul Bibby

Option 1: Sunday 25th June: 4.00PM – 4.45PM AEST
Option 2: Mon 26th June: 2.30PM – 3.15PM AEST

A questions and answer session where you can ask questions about any aspect of mindfulness and meditation, and receive guidance from a highly experienced mindfulness and meditation teacher.

Letting Go and Letting Be. Facilitated by Nat Mallia

“Let it go” seems easy enough to say to others, but when it comes to our own challenges it can be harder to put into practice.  Learn how to use mindfulness to navigate life’s ups and downs with patience, self-kindness, and self-compassion.

Building a Healthy and Resilient Nervous System. Facilitated by Karen Bradford

Explore some simple yet effective mindfulness practices that will help to soften, balance, and strengthen your nervous system naturally.

Mastering Sleep. Facilitated by Gavin Eichholz

Learn how to create healthy sleep habits that are practical, easy to implement and work. Start to enjoy the proven mental and physical health benefits of better sleeping patterns.

Self-Regulation in Times of Adversity. Facilitated by Lea Godfrey

Often, we find that any experience of aversion kick-starts the habitual reactions that keep us stuck in stress, anxiety, and depression. This session will include mindfulness practices that give you a chance to go deeper and truly explore the benefits of mindfulness to regulate difficult emotion.

Mindfulness and Wellbeing Drop-In Sessions Schedules and Options

Mindfulness and Wellbeing Drop-In Sessions: Option 1

 Every Sunday from April to the end of June 4.00PM – 4.45PM

Mindfulness and Wellbeing Drop-In Sessions: Option 2

 Every Monday from April to the end of June Monday 2.30 – 3.15PM

Enrol in Drop-In Sessions Now

Free For Carers in Victoria


Complete This Form To Enrol. Courses are live and online.

Enrol in the Introduction to Mindfulness Four Week Course and the Mindfulness and Wellbeing Drop-In sessions here. This is 100% free for carers in Victoria. By submitting your details, Aruma will contact you to verify that you are a carer and provide you with further details. 

Meet Your Expert Mindfulness Facilitators

Annie Harvey

Annie Harvey, a Wellbeing Educator and burnout survivor, offers evidence-based tools for mental and emotional wellbeing, focusing on empathy fatigue in caring professions.

Gavin Eichholz

Gavin is a qualified corporate mindfulness educator and facilitator with over 15 years of experience in mindfulness training across multiple countries.

Annie Harvey

Lea is a mindfulness teacher specialising in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy and is completing advanced supervision as a psychotherapist.

Nat Mallia

Nat Mallia is a certified Mindfulness teacher who helps busy individuals and those facing health challenges find balance and calm amid daily pressures.

Lucy Schwabe

Lucy is a fully qualified Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) teacher. She holds a Bachelor of Health Science and is qualified as a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner.

Paul Bibby

Paul Bibby is a qualified and highly experienced mindfulness teacher.

Karen Bradford

Karen is a Registered Nurse and accredited mindfulness teacher. She has a keen interest and knowledge about how the body and mind impact each other.

Have a question? Want more Info? Drop us a line

Complete the form below or ring us on: 0428 685 462

About Aruma

Aruma is one of Australia’s leading NDIS service providers. They’re the trusted partner and mentor to over 5000 adults and children with a disability throughout the east coast of Australia.